This blog is unashamedly elitist. I make no apologies for that.
It is addressed to intelligent, rational people everywhere.
I will be using it as a space for me to have a damned good rant about all the stupid, irrational people in the world, and the stupid, irrational things they believe, say and do.
I feel the need to have such rants on a fairly regular basis, firstly, because there are an awful lot of stupid, irrational people out there (it is a sad fact that they vastly outnumber all the intelligent, rational people in the world) and, secondly, because these people are continually saying and doing incredibly stupid, irrational things as a consequence of all the stupid, irrational things they believe.
It wouldn't be so bad if the only people who suffered as a result of their words and actions were these same stupid, irrational people themselves. Some might say they richly deserved it. But it is in the very nature of many of the things they say and do that they are not only selfish and thoughtless, but also wide-ranging and completely indiscriminate in their effects, so that everyone else suffers, too - including all the intelligent, rational people who, while we can see all this going on, are usually powerless to prevent it (on account of our minority status) and must simply shake our heads in despair at the stupidity and irrationality of the majority of mankind.
As a result, many intelligent, rational people come to feel that the world they live in is little more than a vast lunatic asylum, with six billion patients, most exhibiting varying degrees of mental incapacity, from the mildly retarded to the dangerously psychotic. And, through some bizarre misdiagnosis or miscarriage of justice, these intelligent, rational people have been committed to this same asylum, and must live amongst its inmates and obey its petty rules, even though they - and the minority who are like them - are perfectly sane and sensible. And, worst of all, they realize that many of the people who are actually in charge of this asylum - the people who run it and get to make up all its rules - are also some of its most desperately retarded and dangerously psychotic inmates!
Living in such a world can be extremely aggravating and frustrating for intelligent, rational people. This can lead to stress, which in turn can lead to elevated blood pressure, insomnia, digestive disorders and a host of other anxiety-related conditions. So I believe it is important for us to blow off steam, on a regular basis, in the interests of maintaining both our sanity and our physical health; we should vent our frustrations at being wrongly imprisoned in an asylum along with all these nutters; we should form a huddle in a corner of the exercise yard during recreation periods, and have a damned good bitch about how swivel-eyed, mouth-foaming mad all the other inmates are, and how unfair it is that we are trapped in here with them.
It probably won't change anything, but it will make us feel a whole lot better. Think of it as a form of psychotherapy.
And the first rule of psychotherapy is complete honesty in all participants. So I will be doing a lot of plain-speaking with very frank language. And I will not - repeat not - be making any concessions to political correctness, because political correctness is to open debate what Nazi eugenics was to racial diversity; it is linguistic eugenics, in fact, and operates to stifle free expression, gag valid criticism and silence dissent. And I suspect it was invented by the aforementioned stupid, irrational people in order to prevent intelligent, rational people from telling them things about themselves that they would rather not hear.
I will also be naming and shaming those people who deserve to be named and shamed for their crimes against sanity; I will mock and ridicule them relentlessly, because they deserve it. Be they lying politicians, corrupt corporations, deranged religious leaders or any other representatives of the stupid and irrational majority, they can expect no mercy on here, and will receive none.
It is addressed to intelligent, rational people everywhere.
I will be using it as a space for me to have a damned good rant about all the stupid, irrational people in the world, and the stupid, irrational things they believe, say and do.
I feel the need to have such rants on a fairly regular basis, firstly, because there are an awful lot of stupid, irrational people out there (it is a sad fact that they vastly outnumber all the intelligent, rational people in the world) and, secondly, because these people are continually saying and doing incredibly stupid, irrational things as a consequence of all the stupid, irrational things they believe.
It wouldn't be so bad if the only people who suffered as a result of their words and actions were these same stupid, irrational people themselves. Some might say they richly deserved it. But it is in the very nature of many of the things they say and do that they are not only selfish and thoughtless, but also wide-ranging and completely indiscriminate in their effects, so that everyone else suffers, too - including all the intelligent, rational people who, while we can see all this going on, are usually powerless to prevent it (on account of our minority status) and must simply shake our heads in despair at the stupidity and irrationality of the majority of mankind.
As a result, many intelligent, rational people come to feel that the world they live in is little more than a vast lunatic asylum, with six billion patients, most exhibiting varying degrees of mental incapacity, from the mildly retarded to the dangerously psychotic. And, through some bizarre misdiagnosis or miscarriage of justice, these intelligent, rational people have been committed to this same asylum, and must live amongst its inmates and obey its petty rules, even though they - and the minority who are like them - are perfectly sane and sensible. And, worst of all, they realize that many of the people who are actually in charge of this asylum - the people who run it and get to make up all its rules - are also some of its most desperately retarded and dangerously psychotic inmates!
Living in such a world can be extremely aggravating and frustrating for intelligent, rational people. This can lead to stress, which in turn can lead to elevated blood pressure, insomnia, digestive disorders and a host of other anxiety-related conditions. So I believe it is important for us to blow off steam, on a regular basis, in the interests of maintaining both our sanity and our physical health; we should vent our frustrations at being wrongly imprisoned in an asylum along with all these nutters; we should form a huddle in a corner of the exercise yard during recreation periods, and have a damned good bitch about how swivel-eyed, mouth-foaming mad all the other inmates are, and how unfair it is that we are trapped in here with them.
It probably won't change anything, but it will make us feel a whole lot better. Think of it as a form of psychotherapy.
And the first rule of psychotherapy is complete honesty in all participants. So I will be doing a lot of plain-speaking with very frank language. And I will not - repeat not - be making any concessions to political correctness, because political correctness is to open debate what Nazi eugenics was to racial diversity; it is linguistic eugenics, in fact, and operates to stifle free expression, gag valid criticism and silence dissent. And I suspect it was invented by the aforementioned stupid, irrational people in order to prevent intelligent, rational people from telling them things about themselves that they would rather not hear.
I will also be naming and shaming those people who deserve to be named and shamed for their crimes against sanity; I will mock and ridicule them relentlessly, because they deserve it. Be they lying politicians, corrupt corporations, deranged religious leaders or any other representatives of the stupid and irrational majority, they can expect no mercy on here, and will receive none.
Oh, and I like using italics for emphasis, so I will be using them a lot. And I make no apologies for that, either!
I quite agree. They've no concept of how crazy they are. Take the idiotic, hideous noise that's called pop music. I quote from a recent report, "Researchers found that popular songs were popular and unpopular songs were unpopular, regardless of their quality established by the other group. They also found that as a particular songs' popularity increased, participants selected it more often."
Is there any chance that they could realize this? Virtually none.
But the way that social influence affects decision-making extends far beyond pop music. Unfortunately, (for those of us who are rationalists), without the social cohesion that they, (the crazies), generate, our hominin ancestors probably could not have evolved into a technologically-empowered, successful species.
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